Thursday, February 12, 2009

Medical Billing Specialist That Help Consumers

We are contacted frequently by consumers disturbed and overwhelmed by the complexity of their medical bills. As an ordinary person, making heads or tails of your insurance bills can be far more daunting than dealing with your taxes, yet there is nothing like an 'H&R Block' any where in America to help consumers with their insurance claims. But every day doctors rely heavily on the expertise of the medical billing specialist who manage their insurance billing. Imagine if in this country only corporate America had access to tax preparation assistance --everyone else just left to cross their fingers and hope they got their taxes right!

Similar to tax preparers, medical billers must posses an encyclopedia of medical coding knowledge and must keep abreast of a mountain of regulatory and compliance issues for which they are directly responsible. It is astounding that there is no advocate service for American consumers in a trillion dollar industry. In our society, doctors and medical insurance companies are simply expected to hold the trust of the consumer higher than their own interest --a fact which should be deeply concerting to us all.

We personally know of many medical billers who have assisted (often for free) people frozen with fear over piles of insurance bills. It would be in the interest, certainly of the public, but also the insurance industry, of doctors, and of the government to create a safety net for people, especially the elderly, that need assistance with their medical bill.

H&R Block, where are you?

1 comment:

  1. This is an incredible need and an insightfull article. How come no service exist for such a confusing task like preparing medical claims!


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